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Philae Temple - Channeled sacred Light Language flows trough philae temple

Philae Temple - Channeled sacred Light Language flows trough philae temple

Greetings from the sacred Philae Temple, where the ancient light language flows gracefully.


Wondering how to tap into this mystical language of light?


Simply set your intentions, close your eyes, open your heart, and let your soul soak in the profound codes designed for ascension and personal transformation.


Listen as much as you feel drawn to, for this is a potent tool for your journey of self-discovery.

Originally, I intended to share this experience exclusively with the wonderful group that joined our Egypt retreat. However, a higher guidance led me to extend this gift to all of you. May everyone benefit from the powerful energy emanating from the temple and the enchanting light language that unfolded on that sacred day.

I invite you to share your thoughts on this captivating light language video! Let me know the impact it had on you and the emotions it stirred within your heart and soul. 😊 Sending abundant love your way.



Much Love,


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